Week 7 after class

Submit Project 2 (Theoretical Explanation of a Real-World Event) by the end of this week.

Be sure to consult the Standard Rubric from the syllabus in completing the assignment. A paper that meets all 5 expectations will be awarded a 17/20.

  1. The paper is clear [has all three of the following: (A) a clear introduction–including a clear thesis statement, (B) clear sections of supporting evidence and (C) a clear conclusion telling specifically how the evidence supports the thesis statement.]
  2. The paper draws insightful connections to course concepts(including and especially those in the corresponding unit)
  3. The paper draws insightful connections to academic sources(waived for memos; in the case of projects, consider 8 sources to be a minimum)
  4. The paper draws insightful connections to the real world (or realities of the topic)
  5. The paper uses an established format (APA, ASA or other)